Welcome to the World through my eyes. Choose a collection below to see my work.
Street Photogrpahy noun |str-ee-t pho-tog-ra-phy|[stree-t fo-tog-ruh-fee]- phtotography that documents events on the street or everyday living
Urbexia- noun | ur-bex-ia | [er-bex-i-a] - an urban location that has been abandoned and left in ruins; a land of play for explorers and photographers; a preview of the apocalypse
Graffiti- noun |gra-fi-ti| [gruh-fee-tee] plural of graffito, markings, such as initials, slogans or drawings, written or spray-painted on walls of buildings or other public places
Nature- noun /na-ture/ [nay-chur] representing the state of being, wildlife
Chicago-noun /Chi-ca-go/ [Sha-caw-go]- midwestern city located on Lake Michigan
Wildlife- noun |wi-ld- li-fe| [y-eld- ly-f]- the creatures who live in nature
Architecture-noun |ar-chi-tec-ture| [ar-ka-tec-chure]- the construction and design of buildings
Event- noun |e-vent| [e-vent]- a gathering of people for a specific occasion
Cuba- noun /Cu-ba/ [Cu-ba] Caribbean country under communist rule
Product - noun |pro-duct| [pra-duckt]- item produced by labor
Portrait- noun |por-trait| [poor-trit]- photograph, painting or drawing of a person
Travel-noun |tra-vel| [tra-bull] - the act of journeying to places, wanderings
Miscellaneous- adjective |mis-cel-lane-ous| [mis-sul-lane-e-us]- a collection of mixed elements, various aspects or subjects